We finally redeemed our reward and feasted at a high class, $70 a plate buffet restaurant. I prepared all day by not eating. And as soon as we walked in, and saw just how much food there was, our stomachs started streaming.
There was the meat section, the steak section, crackers and cheese, salad, potatoes, seafood, asian wok and then the best section: a whole wall dedicated to desserts. If I didn't love it, I stopped eating it because it wasn't worth the space in my stomach. I tried a little bit of everything except for the seafood, I just don't have the interest in that food group. I'm not lying when I said I ate until I couldn't eat anymore. My friends and I played the silent game unintentionally during dinner. The food was so good that we rarely even talked unless it was, "Try this" or "We need more stomach room." I now understand how people can become foodies and this restaurant definitely made me appreciate the finer foods!
Some of the mini desserts! |
Another little fun fact is that I was featured as Bond's Study Abroad Student of the Week. So, yeah, my face is huge on their Facebook page now. Here's the picture. I wonder how I can incorporate this into future job interviews...despite my picture not looking so great because the sun was in my eyes!
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